What is Anxiety?

Anxiety is an emotional stated that all human beings possess. It is the emotion that represents our survival instincts and was built into us as human beings so that we are able to survive and prosper. Anxiety is the emotion that triggers us to get out of a scary situation. Along with emotion, our bodies produce a biological response that manifests in physical symptoms. If we did not possess anxiety, then we would end up treating a bear like a puppy and the human race wouldn’t make it too far.

Anxiety is not someting that will go away. I ripped the bandaid off hard with that one, didn’t I? While we cannot get rid of anxiety altogether, we can limit the intrusiveness of our anxiety symptoms.

Anxiety disorders can be easily explained as an overactive response. Our bodies can either perceive a threat that isn’t there or have an exaggerated response to a real threat. This can leave us feeling isolated because other people don’t understand. It can also leave us not trusting our own instincts.

Our goal in treating anxiety is to minimize the burden it has on your day-to-day life, allow you to trust yourself again, and accept your anxiety as a part of you.